
Today's New Blawg

Rainer Langenhan emails:

In 2002, the Saarland University Law School achieved a remarkable 7th rank in a competition of all international law schools worldwide (!). Now it's launched its own blawg named LAWgical. Most, but not all topics posted in LAWgical are related to the law of new media.

LAWgical has been online since September 19, 2003. A team of five editors is going to publish articles on a regular basis. The team members' names can be found at the bottom of the left navigation bar.

Margaret Marks noted LAWgical's debut too. (See her comments to that post for thoughts on how the English terms "law," and certainly "blawg," understandably require some further explanation in Germany.)


Holy Roly-Poly Moly

Today, I'm 30 weeks pregnant. That leaves just 10 to go. (Feels a little like going for the land speed record in a ferret ball.)


Huh?, and Huh? Again

Spotted on last night's final Bill Maher show of 2003:

Not Seen Every Day

Michael Moore on national television in a Four Seasons Resorts baseball cap. Moore has a new book in the offing: Dude, Where's My Country? (At the Four Seasons? Notsomuch...)

Seen Perhaps More Frequently

An elected representative doing what could have been years of self-damage in the span of a five minute interview.

Watch Maher's Transcripts page for Episode 20.


Today's New Blawg

The well known law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP has a Research Services department. The Research Services department, as of August 28, has a weblog: "The KERBlog!" The KERBlog has some rockin' goals:

Create an amorphous web presence to instantly share timely, refreshing, relevant, intelligent, and insightful library and research oriented links and observations with each other. Provide an unobtrusive yet obvious megaphone for those professional shout-outs we need to share. Reconnect our massive info-services intelligencia and our collective professional expertise and experience.

Yesterday, KERBlogger Tim had a fascinating post about "a mortal work of art." Welcome! KERBlog on!


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