
No One Minds

Catherine, this is unbelievably poignant writing, the kind of thing that cements even further my conviction that it's worthwhile for people to read what's on the scattershot collective mind of those in the legal field—whether or not it has anything to do with specific cases, firms, analyses, practices, or the more mundane aspects of what we do. (Of course, I think your "Blog v. Blawg" post has everything to do with "the law and lawyering," but I can be kind of meta that way.) Thanks. I'll be ecstatic if you stick to blogging, as long as I can stick to calling you a blawger.

Red Justice


Today's New Blawg

Mike Shecket writes Diary of a 1L, and is pretty darned excited about the whole thing. [Via JD2B]


Call After All

Here's the Google News roundup of coverage on Colorado Judge Edward Nottingham's determination (PDF) that the Do Not Call list violates the First Amendment. An FTC appeal will surely follow, but, in the meantime, here also are some suggestions for productively passing the time when the phone inevitably rings.


Had I But Bandwidth Enough, And Coffee

The Return of the King trailers apparently are available: "1.9 of 8.3 MB loaded."

[Update] No dice, Monday apparently. The One Ring has more (and as they put it, "!!!MUCHO SPOILERS GRANDES!!!").


Dr. A. And The Women

I'm not sure what to make of this exactly. Turns out the pediatrician I was supposed to meet with tonight, but couldn't due to an accident near Long Beach, is so sought after he holds regular, weekly "get to know you sessions" with the myriad expectant moms seeking to hire him. (Sexist of me to assume it's always the mom, I know.) I can just catch up with him during the next belly session, traffic permitting...