
Recall Election Tidbits

Most succinct characterization of yesterday's 9th Circuit determination: "En banc panel of the 9th Circuit Court rules that the three judge panel was smoking crack." [Via blogdex]

Most interesting footnote from a brief (Ted Costa's, PDF) in support of en banc review: "See also Howard Bashman . . . and Eugene Volokh . . . " (P. 15, n.5, links added; next stop: blogs in the Table of Authorities!) [Via Christine Niles]

Reach out and vote someone: from today through October 3rd, L.A. County registered voters can "Touch the Future...With TOUCHSCREEN" at any of 12 different early voting locations (PDF).


Agenda Unmasked

Maureen at Reenhead: "I'm beginning to think that CNN is reporting certain things just because they're bloggable."


Today's New Blawg

(This is one of those been around but "new to me" blawgs.) Kevin Werbach is a highly intelligent and generous person and weblogger I've read and mentally thanked a dozen times, yet never realized he's a blawger too. A 1994 graduate of Harvard Law School, and former Counsel for New Technology Policy at the FCC, Kevin wrote a seminal paper for the FCC on The Internet and Telecommunications Policy. He continues to be a thoughtful voice on spectrum policy, a subject on which he just presented to the 31st Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy in Washington, D.C. It's an honor to welcome Kevin to the B&B blawgroll—with thanks to my friend, colleague, fellow expectant parent, and Reed Smith L.A. office managing partner Peter Kennedy for helping me put two and two together.


Crocodile Tiers

James Hilsy: "I go to a great Law School."


Bears In Low Places

Captain Indignant:

I should point out that you can now buy Gary Coleman for Governor products, including the instant classic "Whatchoo Talkin' 'Bout Davis?" thong.

(Link added.)