
WIP (Wednesday IP) Links


Yack A Day

(Title slug slurped of course from the positively engrossing hack a day.) Kevin Heller is podcasting. (I'll update with the feed if there is one. Later: Ah, there it is.) And speaking of paths of most assistance, do keep an eye on Ev Williams' Odeo and Adam Curry's PodShow. I believe both will be aimed at least in part at making podcasting a more effortless experience.


Path Of Most Assistance

Steve Nipper: "Telephone conference plus .mp3 equals podcast!"

Also: "'RETHINKIP CORP., your task this week is to create a podcast...'"


Sounds Like: Sound Policy

We recorded my first IT Conversations show last Wednesday, many thanks again to Cory Doctorow, Robert Scoble, and Marty Schwimmer for sharing their thoughts and insights about Google's AutoLink. I'm hoping the show will be up this week, but Doug Kaye is among the lucky folks attending ETech so we'll have to see if his multitasking abilities are up to the challenge. (In the meantime, don't miss the recently posted audio of Cory at Web 2.0.) We did come up with a name for the series: "Sound Policy." As with the first show, I hope to focus on the places where technology and society collide in ways that can present new, unique, or difficult problems under existing and developing law. In the hopper as a show idea: a blogger's responsibilities to his or her employer, and vice versa. Kevin Heller has some recent and pertinent linkage. My dream panel for this would be employment law blogger George Lenard, PR strategist and blogger Steve Rubel, and Groove Networks General Counsel and weblog policy author Jeff Seul. I'm off to check their availability, but if you have other suggestions or would like to weigh in on the issue yourself, please let me know.


Tin Ear

Rick Klau's first and second podcasts are available for your listening pleasure. (feed)